Sunday, October 17, 2010

How to introduce yourself in Mandarin

How to say hello in Mandarin Chinese

In this lesson you’ll learn some key phrases in Mandarin Chinese including how to say hi and how to say nice to meet you. The first time you meet somebody you’ll need to say hello. To say hello or How are You in Mandarin Chinese you say: ní hǎo (你好). That literally means: You Good.

How to say my name is in Mandarin Chinese

To say my name is in Mandarin Chinese you say: wǒ jiào (我叫). Wǒ means me or I (the Chinese do not distinguish between me or I and just have one character to express both). Jiào means to be named or called. Make sure you say this with a clear four falling tone.

How to say nice to meet you in Mandarin Chinese

To say “nice to meet you” in Mandarin Chinese say: hěn gāo xìng rèn shì nǐ (很高兴认识你). Hěn means very. I kind of exaggerate the tone in the video! To say happy say gāo xìng. Make sure you get the tones right: first tone on gao and fourth tone on xing. The “X” sounds like “sh”. Rèn shì means to know or to be acquainted with somebody. It does NOT mean to know something.

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